18-35歲年輕人的tour --Contiki
忽然回想時 7 年前,一個人辭掉工作,收拾行李,飛到英國參加了特別的旅程~~ Contiki tour
上網搜巡了一下,現在台灣contiki 行程有中文版行程ㄟ~~~(可見最近幾年有越來越多年輕人參加此行程喔!! Good!!)我找到我 7 年前參加的行程ㄟ~~~~po 上來懷念一下!!
這個Contiki tour 是由世界各地 18-35 歲年輕人組成的團,裡面有很多人是和我一樣,一個人獨自參加的喔!!
我們的領隊是來自紐西蘭的女領隊,雖然她用她的紐西蘭腔英文介紹歐洲歷史時,我有很多聽不懂的地方, but who care!! 我還是玩得很愉快, Play in daytime & party at night!! 晚上那些旅程中偶爾認識的外國友人們,大家喝喝酒跳跳舞 ; 還有床單party ........... 年輕真好!!!
如果你是 18-35 歲的青年,可以參加看看喔!!
我今年32歲了,我打算 35歲 以前再參加一次Contiki,有興趣的人我們一起規劃吧!! 附上網址!!
我先把我 7 年前的行程給大家參考一下!!
Contiki tour 的來源:
CONTIKI是世界上最大為18歲至35歲所安排旅遊的旅行社。於1961年,有一位紐西蘭年青人JOHN ANDERSON,抵達倫敦開始旅遊歐洲。因他沒有太多的經費及不想獨自旅遊,於是決定買一部小型車並於當地招募志同道合的年輕人總共經歷12個星期旅遊歐洲。旅遊結束後,JOHN試著要賣掉這部車,但賣不出去。因此於1962年春天時,他開始刊登廣告,於暑假時就組成兩個團旅遊。這幾團參與的人員年齡為19-29歲,也是CONTIKI認知年青旅遊需要的開始。
參加 資格
| 18-35 歲之青年朋友。
行範 程圍
| 歐洲(包括土耳其、埃及、以色列 )、美國、加拿大、澳洲、紐西蘭、峇里島。
行程 種類
Time-Out 風雅旅遊:採用觀光級飯店(三星)或渡假村式旅館,除紐西蘭及澳洲
Concept 概念旅遊:全程住宿經精心安排Contiki 村莊或風格休憩中心,例如:
| Camping 露營旅遊:住宿在設備齊全的營地,客人須自搭營帳,以雙人營為準。
| 全部行程均採用豪華空調旅遊巴士為主。 | |
Heny 7 年前參加的行程如下: (好像有一點小變動,但是大部份和我8年去的一樣)
歐洲13夜精彩行 European highlights 法國、摩納哥、義大利、荷蘭、奧地利、梵蒂岡、德國、經比利時 |
Day 1 倫敦(London)-巴黎(Paris) Day 2 巴黎 Day 3 巴黎-薄酒箂(Beaujolais)酒區 Day 4 薄酒箂酒區-蔚藍海岸(French Riviera) Day 5 蔚藍海岸 Day 6 蔚藍海岸-佛羅倫斯(Florence) Day 7 佛羅倫斯-羅馬(Rome) Day 8 羅馬 Day 9 羅馬-威尼斯(Venice) Day 10 威尼斯 -提洛爾(Austrian Tyrol)-慕尼黑(Munich) Day 11 慕尼黑-萊茵河谷(Rhine Valley) Day 12 萊茵河谷-阿姆斯特丹 Day 13 阿姆斯特丹 Day 14 阿姆斯特丹-倫敦
1. 13晚住宿2 ~ 4人一房(8晚Contiki 村莊、1晚Contiki 特色休憩中心、1晚飯店及3晚青年旅館) 2. 13個大陸式早餐、7個晚餐 3. 走訪多佛白岩壁 4. 巴黎市區觀光 5. 走訪楓丹白露宮 6. 觀賞亞維農教宗宮 7. 參觀香水工廠 8. 摩納哥蒙地卡羅之旅 9. 走訪比薩斜塔、羅馬大教堂及洗禮堂 10. 佛羅倫斯市區徒步觀光
Your choice in Paris Les Noces des Jeanette, Euro 33.00 Tonight's traditional restaurant is the perfect place to tempt your taste buds with French cuisine and get to know your fellow travellers. A three course meal with local wine and a great atmosphere means this will be an evening to remember.
Nouvelle Eve, Euro 62.00 Enjoy an evening at Nouvelle Eve, one of the top cabaret shows in Paris. Situated near Montmartre, the show is an extravaganza of dancing girls, exquisite costumes and comedy acts. Your visit includes half a bottle of champagne and one of the most dazzling 'French Can Can' dances around. A truly French evening that is unforgettable!
Your choice in Florence Souvenir Group Photo, Euro 11.00 A photo of you and all of your new friends is the perfect souvenir from your tour. The photo will be taken with a panorama of Florence in the background or in one of the city's famous piazzas.
Tuscan Meal, Euro 27.00 Our restaurant this evening is located in the heart of Florence and provides the venue for our Tuscan feast. In true Italian style yo'll dine on antipasta, pasta and a wonderfully aromatic main course - all washed down with some local Chianti wine. Your choice in Rome Guided Imperial Tour, Euro 11.00 (10-19 people)/Euro 10.00 (20+ people) Join a local guide for an excursion back in time. You'll wander across the cobbled stones of the Roman Forum, marvel at the Colosseum and learn why the glory of Imperial Rome still stands out in the history of Western culture.
Your choice in Venice Gondola Ride, Euro 21.00 No trip to Venice is complete without a ride on the canals in a world-famous gondola. Take in the sights, savour every minute and treasure this truly memorable Venetian experience.
T-Shirts Be inspired by the Italian Masters, or better still let your imagination run wild and create your own group design! A terrific souvenir of your tour.
Your choice in the Austrian Tyrol Crystal Museum, Euro 6.50 Swarovski Crystal is world famous for its high quality and exceptional beauty. Visit the newly renovated museum in Wattens, to view incredible displays of light, colour and sound. See the world's largest and smallest crystals, and the unique 'Crystal Wall'- 11 metres high, 42 metres long and packed with 12 tonnes (2,200 lbs) of glittering stone!
Your choice in Munich Bavarian Beerhall, Euro 20.00 Join us in one of the oldest and most famous beerhalls in Munich, which was established in 1406, for a traditional evening of fun. Taste German specialties including roasted pork knuckle and beer, while watching dancers, yodellers and musicians in full costume. Prost!
Your choice in St. Goar Wine Tasting, Euro 8.00 A chance to sample and learn about some of the most famous wines of the Rhine region of Germany. There's also the opportunity to purchase some of your favourites! Don't leave your tasting glass behind - it's yours to keep as a souvenir.
Your choice in Amsterdam Canal Bike Tour, Euro 12.50 There's no better introduction to this beautiful 17th century city than a fun canal ride. Our four-seater pedal boats follow a picturesque route past pretty canal houses, the Amstel Locks, and the famous Skinny Bridge, and is the perfect way to start your day of sightseeing.
Evening Canal Cruise, Euro 19.00 A cruise on Amsterdam's world-famous canals is the perfect way to celebrate your final evening on tour. You'll pass many famous sights including Dutch gabled houses, the Anne Frank house, churches and the Red Light District. Your cruise includes commentary, a couple of drinks and snacks.
Sea Palace Restaurant, Euro 29.00 This unique floating restaurant is built in the typical pagoda style of Chinese palaces. Located in the heart of Amsterdam it's the perfect place for you to join us for a typical Dutch 'rice table' which consists of a variety of main dishes accompanied with rice. | |